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Some drawbacks of oruxmaps

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Some drawbacks of oruxmaps Empty Some drawbacks of oruxmaps

Post  alobo Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:11 am

I think oruxmaps is good, but find the following drawbacks:

1. Geographic coordinates should be displayed with 5 decimal positions.
(0.00001 = 1.1132 m at the Equator)
2. Coordinates of the current position should be displayed in Dashboard in GPS
Tracking mode. Having the coordinates of the center of the map is confusing.
3. By default, a POI should be created at the current position, not at the center
of the map (at least in tracking mode).
4. I miss a "center map on current position" button in GPS tracking mode, so that 
have not to wait for the x sec that have been set in the AutoScroll delay
5. If a "center map on current position" button exist, AutoScroll delay could be
set to infinite (== no autoscroll), which would facilitate the use of oruxmaps
for exploring the map in a different zone while recording the track is active.
This is mostly needed when oruxmaps is used while travelling in a vehicle.

Maybe I'm wrong and some of these problems can be solved with specific settings,
but have not been able to find the way on my own.

Thanks for oruxmaps,


Cantidad de envíos : 33
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-03-19

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