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Switch on GPS from within Oruxmaps

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Switch on GPS from within Oruxmaps Empty Switch on GPS from within Oruxmaps

Post  Alastair Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:26 pm


Would it be possible to add the option to go to the Android Settings to switch on the GPS from within Oruxmaps?

I nearly always switch off my GPS to save battery. Then another day I might start Oruxmaps( forgetting that GPS is off), choose "Browse Maps" and then tap the icon for the GPS only to find that it's not switched on in Android. I then have to go to the Android settings to enable it.

Google Maps Navigation pops up a box to ask if you want to show location settings where you can turn it on:

Switch on GPS from within Oruxmaps Screenshot9ed

Is it possible to do something like this?

Thanks for considering,




Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-05-13

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Switch on GPS from within Oruxmaps Empty Re: Switch on GPS from within Oruxmaps

Post  orux Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:18 pm

Alastair wrote:Hi,

Would it be possible to add the option to go to the Android Settings to switch on the GPS from within Oruxmaps?

I nearly always switch off my GPS to save battery. Then another day I might start Oruxmaps( forgetting that GPS is off), choose "Browse Maps" and then tap the icon for the GPS only to find that it's not switched on in Android. I then have to go to the Android settings to enable it.

Google Maps Navigation pops up a box to ask if you want to show location settings where you can turn it on:

Switch on GPS from within Oruxmaps Screenshot9ed

Is it possible to do something like this?

Thanks for considering,



I will try;


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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