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Can noy get offline maps to work

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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Can noy get offline maps to work

Post  matin Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:44 pm

I have just downloaded some map part tiles from Internet online maps and tried to follow the manuals fot the software and tried to store the sesulting files in the correct foldet. The files are multilayer files.

I have the same problems on two devices, a Archos 5 tablet and a Xperia Mini 10 pro,

The maps can not be find.
The only map I can select is the world map.

What is the best way of getting assitance?
Cheers Martin


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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Re: Can noy get offline maps to work

Post  MB Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:58 pm

Assuming you have used MobAC: The usual problem is the folder structure. Folders inside the parent folders must have the same name as the parent folder, or else Oruxmaps woun't find them. Remember to adjust settings in MobAC as per the instructions in the Oruxmaps website.

Try again, do exactly as told in the instructions, and create a small, multi-layer map. If map creation fails again, upload the map to Dropbox or your preferred cyberlocker, and post a link.


Cantidad de envíos : 70
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-04-22

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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Got it to work on the SoE Mini10

Post  mati Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:08 am

Got it to work ok now on thr SOE mini10. I tested the Eniro seacharts.

I now have some questions.

Which version of Android must be used?
Is there any differencies how the different picture format will work? I choosed PNG since it is lossless-
What are the xml-files in the map directories used for?
I have observed that sometimes an xml-files is nit created, why?
How can I add more levels or new areas to an alredy existing set on the Android device?
How should a multilayer file structure look like?
Must folder ahve the same name as the layer files?
Can map files be renamed?


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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Re: Can noy get offline maps to work

Post  MB Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:33 am

Wikipedia, Google and the good, old trial and error are great tools when attempting to understand something.

I suggest you use these methods first, and post precise and deliberate questions afterwards.


Cantidad de envíos : 70
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-04-22

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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Stillahve problems!

Post  matin52 Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:50 pm

What do you mean by Dropbox?

I thoyght all my questions were quite precise in the last comment.

I am trying to understand how this works, becuase the manuel is not consistant.
Sample text and screen dumps do not match! THere is a mixture of Madrid ESP and Melbourne samples AUS!



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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Multilayer maps.

Post  matin52 Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:51 pm

I will try with the downloadable world map as a sample.


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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Re: Can noy get offline maps to work

Post  orux Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:08 pm

mati wrote:Got it to work ok now on thr SOE mini10. I tested the Eniro seacharts.

I now have some questions.

1.Which version of Android must be used?
2.Is there any differencies how the different picture format will work? I choosed PNG since it is lossless-
3.What are the xml-files in the map directories used for?
4.I have observed that sometimes an xml-files is nit created, why?
5.How can I add more levels or new areas to an alredy existing set on the Android device?
6.How should a multilayer file structure look like?
7.Must folder ahve the same name as the layer files?
8.Can map files be renamed?

Hi, mati;

1. 1.5 to 2.x
2. please, search in google 'jpg vs png'.
3. calibration information.
4. xml file is always needed.
5. you always can add new maps inside mapfiles folder. OruxMaps will load the proper map.
6. see world map inside your sdcard -->oruxmaps/mapfiles/world folder.
7-8. yes, do not rename the files/folders.

Thanks, MB; I appreciate your help in the forum!


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Can noy get offline maps to work Empty Re: Can noy get offline maps to work

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