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Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file

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Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file Empty Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file

Post  steved Mon May 09, 2011 4:54 pm

Also, when areas overlap do duplicate tiles get stored on disk? IE waste SDCard space.


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Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file Empty Re: Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file

Post  orux Mon May 09, 2011 7:58 pm

steved wrote:Also, when areas overlap do duplicate tiles get stored on disk? IE waste SDCard space.

The same map you will need less space when using sqlite. Each file requires additional space not actually used. Thousands of files will be thousands of small spaces sd wasted.

Moving a file, even large, is fast. Moving thousands of files is always slow.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file Empty Re: Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file

Post  steved Tue May 10, 2011 4:48 am

Yes I understand that. But the operation of copying the map files to an SD card is a once only action (if you have a large enoubgh card). Formatting the SD with a small cluster size helps reduce the SD waste per file.

I was thinking are there benefits and disadvatages of using each file format within Orux?
If areas overlap, I guess tiles are duplicated in SQLite.


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Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file Empty Re: Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file

Post  orux Tue May 10, 2011 8:01 pm

steved wrote:Yes I understand that. But the operation of copying the map files to an SD card is a once only action (if you have a large enoubgh card). Formatting the SD with a small cluster size helps reduce the SD waste per file.

I was thinking are there benefits and disadvatages of using each file format within Orux?
If areas overlap, I guess tiles are duplicated in SQLite.


no real benefits/disadvantages. It is not possible to use maps with more than one layer per zoom level with both formats.

I have added a patch to MOBAC to avoid this kind of maps.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file Empty Re: Which is better? Separate Map files, or the packed SQLite file

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