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Waypoint altitude problem

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Waypoint altitude problem Empty Waypoint altitude problem

Post  impressa Mon May 23, 2011 4:01 pm


When you change your units of altitude to feet and enter a waypoint (airport) with a certain elevation using the coordinates section, it treats it as meter entry and automatically multiplies by 3.3 converting it to feet. What's worse, it then sometimes displays a totally different value in the main 'map' screen (but if you click edit it will always be the value multiplied by 3.3).

Example: I entered 190 ft for an airport. When I click on the airport icon on main map, it shows 2045.1429853920822. When I click EDIT, it shows 623.359581 under Coordinates.

Thanks in advance for addressing this issue!


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-23

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Waypoint altitude problem Empty Re: Waypoint altitude problem

Post  orux Mon May 23, 2011 9:19 pm

impressa wrote:Hi,

When you change your units of altitude to feet and enter a waypoint (airport) with a certain elevation using the coordinates section, it treats it as meter entry and automatically multiplies by 3.3 converting it to feet. What's worse, it then sometimes displays a totally different value in the main 'map' screen (but if you click edit it will always be the value multiplied by 3.3).

Example: I entered 190 ft for an airport. When I click on the airport icon on main map, it shows 2045.1429853920822. When I click EDIT, it shows 623.359581 under Coordinates.

Thanks in advance for addressing this issue!


fixed in next version,


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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