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ozf2 ozfx3 maps

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ozf2 ozfx3 maps Empty ozf2 ozfx3 maps

Post  orux Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:56 pm


OruxMapsDesktop can not open these formats (ozf2, ozfx3).

You have to convert these images to png format.

A tool that do this work: DeMapper


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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ozf2 ozfx3 maps Empty Re: ozf2 ozfx3 maps

Post  MB Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:28 am

Hello Orux,
I have downloaded Demapper in order to convert a 700MB ozfx3 file to png. Demapper runs for about 2 minutes on my laptop (1GB ram, Win XP), and tells me that it is finished. But the png file that has been produced, is corrupt - its size is only a few kb. ( When I try to use this file in Oruxmaps Desktop, the program tells me that it cannot find an image- although the file name is automatically displayed in the "image" section.)

Do you have any ideas about what could have gone wrong here? I have not downloaded the Java extension for png files which you mention in the Oruxmaps Desktop manual, because I was not sure which of the many files on the linked webpage I should use - and because I assume that this extension is only necessary if you want to produce png files with Orux.

Could the size of the file be a problem?



Cantidad de envíos : 70
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-04-22

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ozf2 ozfx3 maps Empty Re: ozf2 ozfx3 maps

Post  orux Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:00 pm

MB wrote:Hello Orux,
I have downloaded Demapper in order to convert a 700MB ozfx3 file to png. Demapper runs for about 2 minutes on my laptop (1GB ram, Win XP), and tells me that it is finished. But the png file that has been produced, is corrupt - its size is only a few kb. ( When I try to use this file in Oruxmaps Desktop, the program tells me that it cannot find an image- although the file name is automatically displayed in the "image" section.)

Do you have any ideas about what could have gone wrong here? I have not downloaded the Java extension for png files which you mention in the Oruxmaps Desktop manual, because I was not sure which of the many files on the linked webpage I should use - and because I assume that this extension is only necessary if you want to produce png files with Orux.

Could the size of the file be a problem?


Hi, MB;

Some people have reported problems with demapper + big files. If this program tries to load the entire file in memory, sure it crashes with large files. OruxMapsDesktop reads those files in strips, and has no problem, but I do not know how demapper works.

Jai libraries can help OruxMapsDesktop, but I am not sure if they are useful for demapper.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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ozf2 ozfx3 maps Empty ozfx3 to png

Post  MicJ Wed May 05, 2010 4:43 pm

I have no experience with DeMapper, but: Did you try to convert your map with OziExplorer? Just choose "Save Image File" to produce the PNG-Image,
copy the MAP-File and replace the ozfx3-Path in the Map-File Copy by the PNG-Path. Calibration data is still valid.



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ozf2 ozfx3 maps Empty Re: ozf2 ozfx3 maps

Post  MB Sun May 09, 2010 2:09 pm

Good idea which I tested today.

No luck, Ozi tells me that "Maps created by Mapmerge cannot be saved to other formats".

Thanks anyway.


Cantidad de envíos : 70
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-04-22

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ozf2 ozfx3 maps Empty demapping mapas grandes ozfx

Post  JirkaCh Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:10 pm

Hola todos,

Demapper es buen para mapas máximo 100-150 MB. Grande mapas puede transfer a PNG file programma de un programador Checo "Hnedka" - OzfConverter. Yo probar max 900 MB ozfx3, no hay problema.

(no todas las descargas de trabajo)

EXPORT: export OZF2/OZFX3/OGF2/GMP image to a PNG file
EXPORT_ALL: same as above, but saves all zoom levels as well
OZFX3: convert OZF2 image to OZFX3 format
OZF2: convert OZFX3 image to OZF2 format
UNLOCK: unlock OZF2/OZFX3 image (lock de MapMerge!)
LOCK: lock OZF2/OZFX3 image
INFO: create text file with OZF2/OZFX3/OGF2/GMP image information
IMP_TO_MAP: convert CompeGPS IMP file to OziExplorer MAP file
MAP_BEAUTIFY: make *.MAP file more readable + remove some superfluous stuff
MAP_REMOVE_SPACES: remove all spaces from the *.MAP file (makes it compatible with CompeGPS and GPSMapEdit + saves space)

Discusión sobre OzfConverter, en lengua checa confused ,: "www.ce4you.cz/forums/view_topic.asp?fi=10&t=36014&s=&sbd=&", posible escribir en Inglés.



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