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confusing triangular cursor tip

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confusing triangular cursor tip Empty confusing triangular cursor tip

Post  michi Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:19 am

i like triangular shaped cursos that indicate direction. however, it is a bit confusing that the current position is in the center of the triangle. imho, current position should be at the tip! is there a way to configure this?


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confusing triangular cursor tip Empty horizontally scrolling menus: bad

Post  michi Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:24 am

the latest beta introduced some new kind of menus. i'm still a bit confused about what is where and why, my button bar configs also seem to have died. is there a bigger idea behind it?

in any case, you should avoid menus that force horizontal scrolling (like Statistics|Remove|Invert|Stop Caching|Wpt Alaram|Manage|Settings). thats a big nuisance. there is so much room on the screen for all those items, why bother a user with scrolling?


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