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Waypoint detail window looks bad

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Waypoint detail window looks bad Empty Waypoint detail window looks bad

Post  joeuser Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:14 am

The window which shows waypoint details looks a bit ugly. Dont waste so much space on labels, use the waypoints name as title.
Next line should be coordinates & height & distance, no need for labels here.
Next line is time (only if available and not some useless date in the 70s).
Next line is URL from <url> tag (only if available).
Last follows description, because it can be rather longish.
All URLs should be clickable. Clipboard copying should be supported. No centering.

You could construct a simple HTML document internally from all the data and just use an embedded HTML view for display. All uglyness/url/clipboard problems solved.

Roc d'Esquers
42.5058°N, 1.5646E, 1775m, 12km
15.09.2008 10:20:30
Here follows the text from <desc>
tag. It can be rather longish, many
lines, many pages. It should obviously
float nicely and *not* be centered.
Here follows the text from <desc>
tag. It can be rather longish, many
lines, many pages. It should obviously
float nicely and *not* be centered.
Here follows the text from <desc>
tag. It can be rather longish, many
lines, many pages. It should obviously
float nicely and *not* be centered.
Your extensions.


Cantidad de envíos : 35
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-01-25

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Waypoint detail window looks bad Empty Re: Waypoint detail window looks bad

Post  mafri Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:15 pm

Please implemented a user-modifiable html layout in the Waypoint details. Should be supported HTML elements such as web images, links, tables, iframes, lines ...
Waypoint detail window looks bad Poidetail
In Google Earth it all possible.
The navigation button should also support Navigon. Perhaps the Android's own method to select a navigation app is better?

Thanks Wink ,


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-07-26

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