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Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher)

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Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher) Empty Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher)

Post  kreuzbau Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:44 pm

Hi orux,
just bought a OZIExplorer compatible map - hoping to use it with oruxmaps. Extraction with demapper worked fine. Problems started as i opened the .map file within OruxMapsDesktop: "Projection not recognized - chose manually". Looking into the map file, I realized the projection type is: Lambert Azimuthual Equal Area. Due to the map's dimensions a quick trial with the "Flat earth" option only provided very inaccurate results.

Do I have the chance to calibrate this map correctly for orux usage?
Is the calibration / projection information (contained in the map file) sufficient?


attached - the .map file...
ziExplorer Map Data File Version 2.2
Kaukasus bsmap de
1 ,Map Code,
WGS 84,WGS 84, 0.0000, 0.0000,WGS 84
Reserved 1
Reserved 2
Magnetic Variation,,,E
Map Projection,(A)Lambert Azimuthual Equal Area,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,No
Point01,xy, 381, 114,in, deg, 44, 0.0000,N, 40, 0.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point02,xy, 5612, 236,in, deg, 44, 0.0000,N, 46, 0.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point03,xy, 8507, 6218,in, deg, 39, 0.0000,N, 49, 0.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point04,xy, 4740, 6303,in, deg, 39, 0.0000,N, 45, 0.0000,E, grid, , , ,N
Point05,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Projection Setup, 41.000000000, 45.000000000,,,,,,,,
Map Feature = MF ; Map Comment = MC These follow if they exist
Track File = TF These follow if they exist
Moving Map Parameters = MM? These follow if they exist
MMPLL,1, 39.555254, 44.074663
MMPLL,2, 51.170981, 44.040040
MMPLL,3, 50.629927, 38.028844
MMPLL,4, 40.032453, 38.059384
LL Grid Setup
LLGRID,No,No Grid,Yes,255,16711680,0,No Labels,0,16777215,7,1,Yes,x
Other Grid Setup
GRGRID,No,No Grid,Yes,255,16711680,No Labels,0,16777215,8,1,Yes,No,No,x
MOP,Map Open Position,0,0
IWH,Map Image Width/Height,10113,7310


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-08-10

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Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher) Empty Re: Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher)

Post  orux Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:54 pm

kreuzbau wrote:Hi orux,
just bought a OZIExplorer compatible map - hoping to use it with oruxmaps. Extraction with demapper worked fine. Problems started as i opened the .map file within OruxMapsDesktop: "Projection not recognized - chose manually". Looking into the map file, I realized the projection type is: Lambert Azimuthual Equal Area. Due to the map's dimensions a quick trial with the "Flat earth" option only provided very inaccurate results.

Do I have the chance to calibrate this map correctly for orux usage?
Is the calibration / projection information (contained in the map file) sufficient?


Hi, Markus;

Current version does not support this projection, but do not worry, I am going to add it to OruxMaps.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher) Empty Re: Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher)

Post  orux Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:09 pm

kreuzbau wrote:Hi orux,
just bought a OZIExplorer compatible map - hoping to use it with oruxmaps. Extraction with demapper worked fine. Problems started as i opened the .map file within OruxMapsDesktop: "Projection not recognized - chose manually". Looking into the map file, I realized the projection type is: Lambert Azimuthual Equal Area. Due to the map's dimensions a quick trial with the "Flat earth" option only provided very inaccurate results.

Do I have the chance to calibrate this map correctly for orux usage?
Is the calibration / projection information (contained in the map file) sufficient?


Hi, Markus;

Try with last version of OruxMapsDesktop,

and last OruxMaps beta--> http://www.oruxmaps.com/cs


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher) Empty Re: Problem with lambert Azimuthual Equal Area map /WGS 84 (from Reise-know-how publisher)

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