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Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop

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Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop Empty Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop

Post  hannely Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:30 pm


can't start OruxMapsDesktop (I ame not a programmer). I see a few seconds a ms-dos like window.
What is exact the directory structure you mean?
In my Windows XP computer a foud C:\Program files\Java. And then??!!
Hanne Graat
(fan of OruxMaps)


Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-24
Edad : 77
Localización : Netherlands

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Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop Empty Re: Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop

Post  orux Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:24 pm

hannely wrote:Hi,

can't start OruxMapsDesktop (I ame not a programmer). I see a few seconds a ms-dos like window.
What is exact the directory structure you mean?
In my Windows XP computer a foud C:\Program files\Java. And then??!!
Hanne Graat
(fan of OruxMaps)


1.-check if you have a correct java installation:


2.-uncompress OruxMapsDesktop.zip. IMPORTANT, do not uncompress OruxMapsDesktop.jar file
This is how you must see the content of the new OruxMapsDesktop folder:
Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop Pantallazooruxmapsdeskt

3.-execute OruxMapsDesktop.bat

Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop Empty Re: Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop

Post  hannely Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:47 pm


Thank you for the answer but my question is about where, in what directory, i have to unzip the download.
I found c:\program files\java\jre6\lib with in it a number of other files
Is this the lib directory you mean? I don't see an oruxmaps directory.

I copied all the unzipped files into that lib directory under the existing files.
still the same result: the cmd window and in 1 second a lot of commandlines, too fast to read

I installed the latest version of Java.

Hanne Graat


Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-24
Edad : 77
Localización : Netherlands

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Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop Empty Yep!

Post  hannely Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:35 am

Sorry for the trouble, it's working now. I didn't use winzip in the right way. Now there is the directorystructure you mean.
Thanks again,


Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-24
Edad : 77
Localización : Netherlands

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Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop Empty Re: Still can't start OruxMapsDesktop

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