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NMEA log for bluetooth GPS

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NMEA log for bluetooth GPS Empty NMEA log for bluetooth GPS

Post  Zzyrc Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:45 pm

Hi Orux,

first let me thank you for this piece of software. I'm using OruxMaps regularly for tracking bicycle routes with a variety of maps and it is a very powerful tool!

Occasionally, I do mapping for OpenStreetMap with an external bluetooth GPS. For this purpose, it would be great to have access to the raw NMEA data, because when selecting a track's best fixes, a tool that can see the complete track and additional values like HDOP, number of satellites, whether the fix is with or without differential GPS can naturally do a better job than an algorithm that has to decide on fly when to save a point while tracking.

The simplify relative filter of gpsbabel is doing a great job for example.

So I'd like to have OruxMaps an option that allows logging raw NMEA sentences received from a bluetooth GPS into a file may be having a timestamp in the name when the receiver is connected. I don't care whether it contains all data received on the bluetooth connection or just sentences that have passed the checksum test, however it should be the data before parsing.




Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-23

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NMEA log for bluetooth GPS Empty Re: NMEA log for bluetooth GPS

Post  orux Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:34 pm

Zzyrc wrote:Hi Orux,

first let me thank you for this piece of software. I'm using OruxMaps regularly for tracking bicycle routes with a variety of maps and it is a very powerful tool!

Occasionally, I do mapping for OpenStreetMap with an external bluetooth GPS. For this purpose, it would be great to have access to the raw NMEA data, because when selecting a track's best fixes, a tool that can see the complete track and additional values like HDOP, number of satellites, whether the fix is with or without differential GPS can naturally do a better job than an algorithm that has to decide on fly when to save a point while tracking.

The simplify relative filter of gpsbabel is doing a great job for example.

So I'd like to have OruxMaps an option that allows logging raw NMEA sentences received from a bluetooth GPS into a file may be having a timestamp in the name when the receiver is connected. I don't care whether it contains all data received on the bluetooth connection or just sentences that have passed the checksum test, however it should be the data before parsing.



Hi, Stefan;

not difficult; some beta versions includes that option for testing.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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NMEA log for bluetooth GPS Empty Re: NMEA log for bluetooth GPS

Post  Zzyrc Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:29 pm

Hi Orux,

sounds great!



Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-23

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NMEA log for bluetooth GPS Empty Re: NMEA log for bluetooth GPS

Post  fallout33 Tue May 01, 2012 12:16 pm

I have a feature request:

It would be great if you could include the Dilution of precision (DOP) HDOP and VDOP values in the GPS logs.

It is possible to manually access (only watch them live) in the GPS Status & Toolbox on my Galaxy S, so they should also be accessible from OruxMaps.

The DOP values in the log would help me to automatically filter out inaccurate measurements on the PC using external tools. So far, the manual filtering is a tedious process of checking the timestamps of the obviously deviating measurements and removing the inaccurate gpx log file entries (trkpt) using a text editor.

What do you think about this?


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-01

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