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My wishlist for Orux Maps

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My wishlist for Orux Maps Empty My wishlist for Orux Maps

Post  Mike Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:38 am

1. The input screen for waypoints should be enhanced. The input screen needs a listbox, which allows to select the input style of coordinates (Deg.Min, Degrees, Degrees.Min.Sec,UTM, etc.). I click on that listbox renders the coordinates in the other format.

2. The tool should support projections. Based on a given coordinate, a distance and an angle the tool should compute the projection coordinate. Based on a given coordinate and a distance the tool should draw a circle around that coordinate..

3. The tool should allow to extract a map from OpenStreetMap (like OpenDroyd). The extracted map should be usable like any other offline map.

4. Any waypoint can be connected with arbitrary media file. Example: When reaching the waypoint "Colloseum Rome" it would be nice to get (pre-installed) images, audio files (like the descriptions of audio guides), HTML descriptions etc.

I think there are a lot of developers who might help you, maybe me too. But developers need the codebase to enhance the software.


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My wishlist for Orux Maps Empty Re: My wishlist for Orux Maps

Post  orux Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:39 pm

Mike wrote:1. The input screen for waypoints should be enhanced. The input screen needs a listbox, which allows to select the input style of coordinates (Deg.Min, Degrees, Degrees.Min.Sec,UTM, etc.). I click on that listbox renders the coordinates in the other format.

2. The tool should support projections. Based on a given coordinate, a distance and an angle the tool should compute the projection coordinate. Based on a given coordinate and a distance the tool should draw a circle around that coordinate..

3. The tool should allow to extract a map from OpenStreetMap (like OpenDroyd). The extracted map should be usable like any other offline map.

4. Any waypoint can be connected with arbitrary media file. Example: When reaching the waypoint "Colloseum Rome" it would be nice to get (pre-installed) images, audio files (like the descriptions of audio guides), HTML descriptions etc.

I think there are a lot of developers who might help you, maybe me too. But developers need the codebase to enhance the software.

Hi, Mike; thanks for your comments;

1,2.-->to my todo list.

3.-->it is my challenge for 3.0.

4.-->to my todo list.

Thanks for the offer of support for development, but I prefer to continue as now.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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