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Great application !

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Great application ! Empty Great application !

Post  amarok67 Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:42 am

I installed this application a few days ago, and my first impression is very positive. Already using TwoNav and Oziexplorer (not free), I think it lacks virtually nothing to be perfect.
I want to thank the OruxMaps team for giving us an application of such quality.
But I have some problems with the use of offline maps.
I will discuss these issues later in the forum, after searching if others have the same problem.
In a nutshell: the offline maps, maps that are downloaded via Orux or personal cards scanned and running in TwoNav, are not well calibrated in Oruxmaps...
I hope to find a solution, because this application I really like.
See you soon
Best regards from Alsace, France


Cantidad de envíos : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-21

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