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Size of MapChunks

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Size of MapChunks Empty Size of MapChunks

Post  Pedro Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:33 pm

The current size of the MapChunks, created by OruxMapsConverter2 is 512x512.

Does this have technical reasons, e.g. memory usage or is it chosen by the programmer?

The reason I'm asking:

I have a lot of maps in different sizes (8000x5000 / 7000x4800 ...) and I never have a size of n x 512, resulting in white stripes on the right and on the bottom of the created map. This is no problem, as long as you use one map, when starting to use more than one, you should be able to move from one map to the other without 'crossing nomansland' ...

So, if there are no technical reasons for 512 chunks, it would be great, if MapChunkSize could be chosen whithin OruxMapsConverter, e.g. 500x500 or even free, so anyone could convert his maps in an optimal manner ...

So, as usual, just a suggestion, whithout knowing, how complicated an impementation like this might be Very Happy


Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-24

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Size of MapChunks Empty Re: Size of MapChunks

Post  orux Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:21 pm

Hi, Pedro

OruxMaps uses 512, but could use other sizes for a reason:

Google maps and other systems use a size of 256 or 512 pixels with images sent to the browsers. It is a magic number, two*two*two..., so you can easily do many operations (zooms, for example).

Later I will try to extend OruxMaps to use other sources of images, so OruxMaps uses 512 pixels as a reference.

Do not worry about the white strip on maps because:
1.-OruxMaps does not take into account those strips when moving from one map to another. Oruxmaps jump to the next map when it reach the end of the visible map. (Already tested)
2.-Virtually, no space is stolen on sd card, because OruxMaps uses compressed images (you can verify this by the size of images with white stripes on any map converted.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Size of MapChunks Empty Chunk Size

Post  Pedro Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:26 pm

Okay, then there is no reason to change it, I just was afraid, that it will show a white stripe for a certain time, until the new Chunk is loaded. 512x512 is by shure a good ratio for array calculations Very Happy


Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-24

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Size of MapChunks Empty Re: Size of MapChunks

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