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USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps?

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USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps? Empty USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps?

Post  Brian Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:41 am

Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) has been served notice to cease the use of TerraServer, Google, Microsoft, and other map sources essential for coverage of the United States. Is it possible to create an extension for Orux Maps to import and interactively use USGS GeoPDF Maps? Thank You for your consideration.

Also, Orux Map online viewer for Google Terrain just shows a black map with streets and no terrain features.


Cantidad de envíos : 9
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-20

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USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps? Empty Offline TopOSM (OpenStreetmap) download sources for MOBAC / OruxMaps

Post  TodoInTX Thu May 17, 2012 9:55 pm

I patched to MOBAC map sources to include the three TopOSM online sources included with OruxMaps

TopOSM USA Color Relief
TopOSM USA Contours
TopOSM USA Features

Replace <mobac_install_dir>/mapsource/mp-openstreetmap.jar with mine, found at http://day32.com/Mapfiles/src/mp-openstreetmap.jar

You can then create an offline atlas with the three required layers for the area. However you must do some post processing to merge all three layers into one so that OruxMaps can display them all together. For this I created a gimp script-fu scheme script to merge all three files per cell into one file per cell for a given zoom depth all in one command.

First prepare the target directory for the merged layers of the atlas.


# cygwin/bash part  ## Run this part first!!
# Working directory for this script should be the top directory of the 3 layer atlas created in MOBAC

Final=$(basename $PWD | awk -F _ '{ print $1 }')
for i in `seq -w 4 15` ; do mkdir -p "$Final/$Final $i/set"; done
sed "s/TopoRelief/$Final/" TopoRelief/TopoRelief.otrk2.xml > $Final/$Final.otrk2.xml
for i in `seq -w 4 15`; do sed "s/TopoRelief/$Final/" TopoRelief/TopoRelief\ $i/TopoRelief\ $i.otrk2.xml > $Final/$Final\ $i/$Final\ $i.otrk2.xml; done
## EOF

Then run http://day32.com/Mapfiles/src/GimpTopoMergeLayers.scm inside the gimp script-fu console after editing it for your given zoom depth and atlas.
You must run this once for each zoom depth (4-15) in the atlas.

You can find some example maps for Glacier, Tetons and Yellow Stone National Parks as well as various other locations around Montana and Wyoming that were produced using these scripts at http://day32.com/Mapfiles


Last edited by TodoInTX on Sun May 20, 2012 5:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-17

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USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps? Empty Re: USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps?

Post  Brian Sun May 20, 2012 4:03 pm

TodoInTX wrote:I patched to MOBAC map sources to include the three TopOSM online sources included with OruxMaps
TopOSM USA Color Relief
TopOSM USA Contours
TopOSM USA Features
Replace <mobac_install_dir>/mapsource/mp-openstreetmap.jar with mine, found at http://day32.com/Mapfiles/src/mp-openstreetmap.jar
You can then create an offline atlas with the three required layers for the area. However you must do some post processing to merge all three layers into one so that OruxMaps can display them all together. For this I created a gimp script-fu scheme script to merge all three files per cell into one file per cell for a given zoom depth all in one command.
...You can find some example maps for Glacier, Tetons and Yellow Stone National Parks as well as various other locations around Montana and Wyoming that were produced using these scripts at http://day32.com/Mapfiles
Thanks for the response and the links to the Montana and Wyoming mapfiles!

I'm not a developer so scripting to make my own maps would be a steep learning curve. Maps for backcountry navigation here in the NW USA on the west slopes of the Cascade Range and the Olympic Mountains require USFS trails to be shown here. Does the TopOSM feature layer include trails?


Cantidad de envíos : 9
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-20

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USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps? Empty Re: USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps?

Post  TodoInTX Sun May 20, 2012 5:10 pm

I haven't found any foot trails in that layer.

You can see the original online sources for your self here:


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-05-17

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USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps? Empty Re: USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps?

Post  Brian Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:55 pm

TodoInTX wrote:I haven't found any foot trails in that layer.  You can see the original online sources for your self here:  http://www.toposm.com/us/index.html
I know this is an old thread but Thanks! for the response.  There are some trails at that link here in the PNW USA.  Unfortunately there are no landmark names for any bodies of water or mountains that are absolutely critical for off-trail navigation.


Cantidad de envíos : 9
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-20

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USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps? Empty Re: USGS GeoPDF Maps with Orux Maps?

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