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Map rotation by Compass vs GPS

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Map rotation by Compass vs GPS Empty Map rotation by Compass vs GPS

Post  long-E-dude Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:34 am


I got Oruxmaps recommended by a German cycle forum and it is better than anything I used before. I just love the map rotation feature, but on my Defy neigther the compass nor the GPS are very accurate.
Both rotation modes have their disadvantages but in general I use the compass mode for walking and the GPS direction mode for cycling. So, the faster you are, the better is the GPS mode.

Would it be possible to combine both modes?
E.g. using the GPS direction, when the movement is fast and the direction is stable; using compass mode, when the GPS is not available or the movement is slow or the direction is not stable.
Or even better, a successive changeover between the two modes. So using compass when the movement can't be judged, using GPS when the movement is fast and clear. In between, the direction is calculated by a "weighted average" between the two modes.

If you need someone to discuss with you the formula and the algorithm, just contact me.

Keep up your great work!



Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-04-04
Localización : Germany

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