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System requirements?

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System requirements? Empty System requirements?

Post  hmtriebler Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:55 am

Are there any system requirements for installing oruxmaps an a smartphone? (Mine ist LG GT540 with software version gt540-v10b-apr-29-2010) Google Play Store says oruxmaps ist not compatible with it


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-04-17

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System requirements? Empty Re: System requirements?

Post  orux Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:32 am

hmtriebler wrote:Are there any system requirements for installing oruxmaps an a smartphone? (Mine ist LG GT540 with software version gt540-v10b-apr-29-2010) Google Play Store says oruxmaps ist not compatible with it


It should work with:

1.-android 2.0 or higher
2.-GPS chip.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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