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WGS84 Lambert Conical Conformal

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WGS84 Lambert Conical Conformal Empty WGS84 Lambert Conical Conformal

Post  BB Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:44 pm


I'm discovering OruxMap's... wonderfull !

I've maps in DATUM NTF - Lambert II Paris.

Can I use OruxMapsDesktop with those data?

I can't see DATUM NTF

Thank you


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WGS84 Lambert Conical Conformal Empty Re: WGS84 Lambert Conical Conformal

Post  orux Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:29 pm

BB wrote:Hello,

I'm discovering OruxMap's... wonderfull !

I've maps in DATUM NTF - Lambert II Paris.

Can I use OruxMapsDesktop with those data?

I can't see DATUM NTF

Thank you

Hi, BB;

Current version only supports Lambert projection with NAD83 (equal to WGS84) datums;

But I will work next weeks with this projection.

Could you send me a map with this coordinate system? If it is >10mb, perhaps you can send me a link in rapidshare or similar.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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