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jump to any waypoint

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jump to any waypoint Empty jump to any waypoint

Post  thomashsk Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:16 pm

hello orux!

Thank you again for this great piece of software, I use it a lot.

I prepare my tracks as a list of waypoints.

In orux, I:

- call menue "tracks"

- "load file"

- choose my *.gpx file

- then choose "waypoint navigation" and "waypoint alert"

- every turn point I get a signal Very Happy

that works very well at all!

But sometimes I don't start at the beginning of the tour. I'm searching for the possibility to jump to any waypoint. I only found "next waypoint". That is not comfortable with about 200 waypoints. Did I miss something?

I would like to choose:

- waypoint name

- or waypoint number

- or nearest waypoint to gps-position

That would be fantastic!

a lot of greetings, Thomas


Cantidad de envíos : 29
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-28

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jump to any waypoint Empty Re: jump to any waypoint

Post  Worsley Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:33 am

i'd like that too.
or something to simply skip missed waypoints wehen i get close to a further one. Maybe with checkbox 'auto-skip missed WPs' in the WP-menu.
Sometimes i 'miss' a WP due to bad GPS lock, and navigation want's me to turn back untill I manually choose 'next WP' This is not a save thing under all circumstances.


Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-03-18

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