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transfer coordinates to other program like

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transfer coordinates to other program like Empty transfer coordinates to other program like

Post  casula Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:18 pm

Hello orux,

I like your oruxmaps very much - it's so much better than google maps :-)
May I request a little feature?
I'd like to see a possibility to transfer the coordinates from a way-point to the radar view from "GPS Status" Have a look at c:geo - they implemented this little nice feature.
Would that be possible? It's because I like the simple view for navigation/routing from "gps status".

Thank you very much. And keep up the good work :-)

greetz from oktoberfest-town


ps. tested your last beta - 2.5.3 - worked very well on milestone 2.1 - no problems so far


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transfer coordinates to other program like Empty Re: transfer coordinates to other program like

Post  orux Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:22 pm

casula wrote:Hello orux,

I like your oruxmaps very much - it's so much better than google maps :-)
May I request a little feature?
I'd like to see a possibility to transfer the coordinates from a way-point to the radar view from "GPS Status" Have a look at c:geo - they implemented this little nice feature.
Would that be possible? It's because I like the simple view for navigation/routing from "gps status".

Thank you very much. And keep up the good work :-)

greetz from oktoberfest-town


ps. tested your last beta - 2.5.3 - worked very well on milestone 2.1 - no problems so far

Hi, thanks;

I will study the integration with gpsstatus,


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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transfer coordinates to other program like Empty Re: transfer coordinates to other program like

Post  casula Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:21 am

Thanks :-)


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transfer coordinates to other program like Empty Re: transfer coordinates to other program like

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