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lambert 2 extended?

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lambert 2 extended? Empty lambert 2 extended?

Post  jako Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:32 pm

Hello from france.
I very new to android and even more with oruxmap
I would like to know if lambert 2 extended (étendu in french) projection is compatible with orux map.
I joint a link of an example of (huge) aero chart http://dl.free.fr/dnsrUor2h that I'd love to "move" in flight (very much like that
http://www.xample.ch/page0/page1/page1.html )
I'm sure orux map isn't that far from this result.
Many thanks for you work.


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-04-30

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lambert 2 extended? Empty Re: lambert 2 extended?

Post  orux Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:01 pm

jako wrote:Hello from france.
I very new to android and even more with oruxmap
I would like to know if lambert 2 extended (étendu in french) projection is compatible with orux map.
I joint a link of an example of (huge) aero chart http://dl.free.fr/dnsrUor2h that I'd love to "move" in flight (very much like that
http://www.xample.ch/page0/page1/page1.html )
I'm sure orux map isn't that far from this result.
Many thanks for you work.

Hi, jako;

I am working with full Lambert projection support (current version works with Lambert + wgs84 or nad83 datums). Give me two more weeks.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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