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Tool to find objects in a certain direction (simular but enhanced to the cursor angle)

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Tool to find objects in a certain direction (simular but enhanced to the cursor angle) Empty Tool to find objects in a certain direction (simular but enhanced to the cursor angle)

Post  starbright Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:54 pm

Walking in the mountains I would like to know name of mountains around me. There is one problem. They are far away, but names are shown in map only when zoomed in.
A cool feature would be to have instead the "Display/Cursor/Show Angle" a line that is directed into the direction of heading the phone. And this line can be pinned fix for a certain time. Long enough to scroll along that line even when zoomed out/in. So the line has to be longer and fix which is different to the cursor angle.

A feedback would be welcome. I hope you could understand the idea.


Cantidad de envíos : 21
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-07-17

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