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Portrait/Landscape mode

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Portrait/Landscape mode Empty Portrait/Landscape mode

Post  Alastair Thu May 13, 2010 10:10 am


Would it be possible to allow a choice of 3 modes for orientation of the phone display instead of just AutoRotation on or off?

At the moment you have the option to switch AutoRotation on or off. I would like to suggest keeping this option but if you set it to off, then allow people to select always Portrait or always Landscape.

I would like to use my phone in the plastic cover of the handlebar bag on the front of my bike. With AutoRotation, the screen will not stay in Landscape mode as I move about.




Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-05-13

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Portrait/Landscape mode Empty Re: Portrait/Landscape mode

Post  orux Thu May 13, 2010 5:18 pm

Alastair wrote:Hi,

Would it be possible to allow a choice of 3 modes for orientation of the phone display instead of just AutoRotation on or off?

At the moment you have the option to switch AutoRotation on or off. I would like to suggest keeping this option but if you set it to off, then allow people to select always Portrait or always Landscape.

I would like to use my phone in the plastic cover of the handlebar bag on the front of my bike. With AutoRotation, the screen will not stay in Landscape mode as I move about.




Solved with next version; when in landscape mode, if autorotation is disabled, will stay in this mode. the same when in portrait mode.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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