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Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15

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Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15 Empty Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15

Post  Athodyd Sun May 16, 2010 8:38 pm

I use this product heavily having loaded maps via guide at

With the software upgrade distributed by Verizon/Eris on yesterday, Oruxmaps gives an error message ("Error while saving the track into the database.") when turning on/off GPS tracking. And indeed the track is not saved (I lost today's hike due to the error). After hitting "record track" (and receiving the message), all looks fine with my track appearing on the map/display. However, waypoints created vanish without an error message.

Fabo product, this. Please fix!


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Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15 Empty Re: Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15

Post  orux Sun May 16, 2010 8:56 pm

Athodyd wrote:I use this product heavily having loaded maps via guide at

With the software upgrade distributed by Verizon/Eris on yesterday, Oruxmaps gives an error message ("Error while saving the track into the database.") when turning on/off GPS tracking. And indeed the track is not saved (I lost today's hike due to the error). After hitting "record track" (and receiving the message), all looks fine with my track appearing on the map/display. However, waypoints created vanish without an error message.

Fabo product, this. Please fix!


Perhaps a problem while updating tracks database to the new version.

Try this:
uninstall OruxMaps, then reinstall again OruxMaps (IMPORTANT: UPDATE WITH THE PHONE DISCONNECTED FROM YOUR PC).

Then try to save a new track.

If you still have problems, send me your oruxmapstracks.db file (inside oruxmaps/tracklogs/ folder).


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15 Empty Fixed...

Post  Athodyd Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:13 pm

This was fixed in the 5/2010 oruxmaps update.


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Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15 Empty Re: Errors after Eris upgrade on 2010 May 15

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