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ANT+ instead of GPS speed values for statistics

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ANT+ instead of GPS speed values for statistics Empty ANT+ instead of GPS speed values for statistics

Post  potifa Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:41 pm

Dear Orux,

Having made ANT+ working (see other thread in Bugs), I was impatient to run some further tests. Everything is very great and I appreciate a lot the possibility to customize the fields being shown on the navigation screen and the fields of the trip computer.

I only noticed that if I use an ANT+ speed/cadence sensor, all speed related variables (such as average, maximum, distance, time to target, etc.) are based on the GPS speed, that there is no possibility to show cadence average and that the statistical plots in TC-3 cannot be based on the ANT+ values. In all cases, I guess this is not possible because ANT+ values are not stored, just shown in the minute they occur - except for heartrate values. Now I'm wondering if it is possible to include a setting which would allow a user to choose whether he wants GPS or ANT+ speed to be used for these speed-related statistics? For there might be good reasons to choose either one.

That said, if the reliability of the ANT+ sensors is the same as of my six year old bike computer, the deviation will be something like 0.1 to 0.3 kilometers per hour.

Best wishes


Cantidad de envíos : 20
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-10-01

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ANT+ instead of GPS speed values for statistics Empty Re: ANT+ instead of GPS speed values for statistics

Post  orux Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:59 pm

potifa wrote:Dear Orux,

Having made ANT+ working (see other thread in Bugs), I was impatient to run some further tests. Everything is very great and I appreciate a lot the possibility to customize the fields being shown on the navigation screen and the fields of the trip computer.

I only noticed that if I use an ANT+ speed/cadence sensor, all speed related variables (such as average, maximum, distance, time to target, etc.) are based on the GPS speed, that there is no possibility to show cadence average and that the statistical plots in TC-3 cannot be based on the ANT+ values. In all cases, I guess this is not possible because ANT+ values are not stored, just shown in the minute they occur - except for heartrate values. Now I'm wondering if it is possible to include a setting which would allow a user to choose whether he wants GPS or ANT+ speed to be used for these speed-related statistics? For there might be good reasons to choose either one.

That said, if the reliability of the ANT+ sensors is the same as of my six year old bike computer, the deviation will be something like 0.1 to 0.3 kilometers per hour.

Best wishes

Hi, Thomas;

your comments are in my 'TODO' list.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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