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User Interface Suggestions

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User Interface Suggestions Empty User Interface Suggestions

Post  Icarus Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:40 pm

Hi Orux,

I have two devices running OruxMaps - a 7" tablet (1024 x 600) and a 4.3" phone (480 x 800). They exhibit different degrees of useability by virtue of the self-regulating aspect of Android graphics. Unfortunately, Android on it's own doesn't do the greatest job. Some suggestions -

Dashboard setup more like Buttons bar setup

A feature that would assist is greater control over the Dashboard layout (mainly lower Dashboard).

The Buttons Bar customization is very effective. I'd like to suggest a similar utility for Dashboard configuration within the settings menu.

The main desire is to be able to place particular data fields in a user defined layout (the Top Dashboard works well). An equally important desire is to be able to increase the size of the data fields, similar to the 'Large buttons mode'.

Both these ideas would help OruxMaps be optimized to the vast differences in Android device size, resolution and pixels/inch.

Buttons Bar

Some additional options are requested -

Next Wpt.
Previous Wpt.
Map mode

Thanks again for the fantastic software! I hope you might entertain these ideas to improve the useability of OruxMaps.


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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