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'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard

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'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard Empty 'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard

Post  Icarus Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:00 pm

Hi Orux,

I have a request to implement a feature in Waypoint Navigation. It is similar to, but a variation on the 'Delay' feature in User Interface - Dashboard.

I load routes from KML files and use Waypoint Nav. I wish to be able to edit the waypoints to embed a timestamp against certain waypoints. This timestamp will be the required arrival time at a given waypoint.

The desire to create/edit timestamps on waypoints within OruxMaps is requested when you are away from a desktop machine (which is usually used to create the original KML).

On the map screen, I would like to have a 'Groundspeed Required' (G/S REQ) to indicate the speed required to achieve the embedded waypoint time for the active waypoint. The G/S REQ would ideally be an attribute that would appear on the Top Dashboard on a second line of attributes very near the current speed.

This makes an easy comparison of 'actual groundspeed' vs 'groundspeed required' to achieve a waypoint on time.

Thanks for your consideration.


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard Empty Re: 'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard

Post  orux Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:54 pm

Icarus wrote:Hi Orux,

I have a request to implement a feature in Waypoint Navigation. It is similar to, but a variation on the 'Delay' feature in User Interface - Dashboard.

I load routes from KML files and use Waypoint Nav. I wish to be able to edit the waypoints to embed a timestamp against certain waypoints. This timestamp will be the required arrival time at a given waypoint.

The desire to create/edit timestamps on waypoints within OruxMaps is requested when you are away from a desktop machine (which is usually used to create the original KML).

On the map screen, I would like to have a 'Groundspeed Required' (G/S REQ) to indicate the speed required to achieve the embedded waypoint time for the active waypoint. The G/S REQ would ideally be an attribute that would appear on the Top Dashboard on a second line of attributes very near the current speed.

This makes an easy comparison of 'actual groundspeed' vs 'groundspeed required' to achieve a waypoint on time.

Thanks for your consideration.


It is a very specific feature for flight/boating use. I would make a version for flying/boating, then I will add this type of features.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard Empty Re: 'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard

Post  Icarus Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:37 pm

Great! I really appreciate your work.

For what it's worth, I think many people would recognise the complexity in OruxMaps now in endeavouring to satisfy many different users types. The old saying - "Jack of all trades, master of none" - could be the limiting constraint for this type of approach.

Your suggestion developed further might look like -

OruxMaps Flying
OruxMaps Boating
OruxMaps Cycling
OruxMaps Geo-caching etc...

Although perhaps not much joy in coding for that many different products...???


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard Empty Re: 'Groundspeed Required' on Dashboard

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