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tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile

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tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile Empty tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile

Post  pjsOrux Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:50 am

Hi there,

I am great fan of Orux maps and have been using actual donate version for a while.

Now my mobile got a defect and is not starting anymore.

As I have an actual backup of file oruxmapstracks.db I supposed it would not be a problem
to copy it to my new phone and use my tracks and wpts as before.

But when I copy the db file to directory tracklogs on my new phone and try to
browse tracks in orux maps no tracks are shown and the db is always overwritten
by an empty one.

It looks like all my tracks have been lost because I did not export them before.

What did I wrong?
Is there a way to "import" my db into the new installation?
Can I at least export tracks from the db file?


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-03-03

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tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile Empty Re: tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile

Post  orux Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:46 pm

pjsOrux wrote:Hi there,

I am great fan of Orux maps and have been using actual donate version for a while.

Now my mobile got a defect and is not starting anymore.

As I have an actual backup of file oruxmapstracks.db I supposed it would not be a problem
to copy it to my new phone and use my tracks and wpts as before.

But when I copy the db file to directory tracklogs on my new phone and try to
browse tracks in orux maps no tracks are shown and the db is always overwritten
by an empty one.

It looks like all my tracks have been lost because I did not export them before.

What did I wrong?
Is there a way to "import" my db into the new installation?
Can I at least export tracks from the db file?

The database can be shared. I usually receive databases, and I open them with my tlf.

But problems can occur if:

- the database comes from a very old version, which was not updated frequently.--> send me the file, I can try: oruxuro@gmail.com
- the new device implements a different sqlite library and not compatible with the old database.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile Empty problem solved by ORUX

Post  pjsOrux Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:24 am

Thanks to Orux the problem could be solved very fast.
He could help to workaround incompatibilities between different SQLlight versions.
Great job and many thanks!!


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-03-03

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tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile Empty Re: tracks db cannot be moved to new mobile

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