Large KML data support
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Large KML data support
Hi Orux,
Thank you for great app!
If I load a KML overlay that contains over 9000 points, the loading process doesn't end. Is there other ways to load this large KML other than splitting into small files?
Best regards,
Thank you for great app!
If I load a KML overlay that contains over 9000 points, the loading process doesn't end. Is there other ways to load this large KML other than splitting into small files?
Best regards,
Tagussan- Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-03-30
Re: Large KML data support
I've had very large kml files load successfully but they just take a long time. A 3Mb kml takes about 5 minutes on a Galaxy S2.
Perhaps Orux can optimise the way the software parses the file?
Perhaps Orux can optimise the way the software parses the file?
Icarus- Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03
Re: Large KML data support
The size of KML file I want to load is only 900kB. But, if I load this file, OruxMaps still display processing window after 15 minutes elapsed. I made a KML data without name, description. Like this.Icarus wrote:I've had very large kml files load successfully but they just take a long time. A 3Mb kml takes about 5 minutes on a Galaxy S2.
Perhaps Orux can optimise the way the software parses the file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="">
<description><![CDATA[<h1>OruxMaps</h1><br /><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/><h2>名前: Waypoints</h2><br /><p>距離: 0 km (00:00)</p><p>移動時間: 00:00</p><p>平均速度: 0 km/h</p><p>平均速度Mov。: 0 km/h</p><p>最大速度: 0 km/h</p><p>高度ゲイン: 0 m</p><p>高さ損失: 0 m</p><p>上昇時間: 00:00</p><p>下降時間: 00:00</p><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/>]]></description>
<StyleMap id="multiTrack"><Pair><key>normal</key><styleUrl>#multiTrack_n</styleUrl></Pair><Pair><key>highlight</key><styleUrl>#multiTrack_h</styleUrl></Pair></StyleMap><Style id="multiTrack_n"><IconStyle><Icon><href></href></Icon></IconStyle><LineStyle><color>99ffac59</color><width>6</width></LineStyle></Style><Style id="multiTrack_h"><IconStyle><scale>1.2</scale><Icon><href></href></Icon></IconStyle><LineStyle><color>99ffac59</color><width>8</width></LineStyle></Style><Folder>
<Style id="gv_waypoint"><BalloonStyle><text><![CDATA[<p align="left"><font size="+1"><b>$[name]</b></font></p> <p align="left">$[description]</p>]]></text></BalloonStyle><IconStyle><Icon><href></href></Icon><color>FFFFFFFF</color><colorMode>normal</colorMode><hotSpot x="0.5" xunits="fraction" y="0.5" yunits="fraction"/></IconStyle><LabelStyle><color>FFFFFFFF</color></LabelStyle></Style><open>1</open>
Does this contains odd syntax and prevents OruxMaps from loading this file?
Tagussan- Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-03-30
Re: Large KML data support
Tagussan wrote:The size of KML file I want to load is only 900kB. But, if I load this file, OruxMaps still display processing window after 15 minutes elapsed. I made a KML data without name, description. Like this.Icarus wrote:I've had very large kml files load successfully but they just take a long time. A 3Mb kml takes about 5 minutes on a Galaxy S2.
Perhaps Orux can optimise the way the software parses the file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="">
<description><![CDATA[<h1>OruxMaps</h1><br /><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/><h2>名前: Waypoints</h2><br /><p>距離: 0 km (00:00)</p><p>移動時間: 00:00</p><p>平均速度: 0 km/h</p><p>平均速度Mov。: 0 km/h</p><p>最大速度: 0 km/h</p><p>高度ゲイン: 0 m</p><p>高さ損失: 0 m</p><p>上昇時間: 00:00</p><p>下降時間: 00:00</p><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/>]]></description>
<StyleMap id="multiTrack"><Pair><key>normal</key><styleUrl>#multiTrack_n</styleUrl></Pair><Pair><key>highlight</key><styleUrl>#multiTrack_h</styleUrl></Pair></StyleMap><Style id="multiTrack_n"><IconStyle><Icon><href></href></Icon></IconStyle><LineStyle><color>99ffac59</color><width>6</width></LineStyle></Style><Style id="multiTrack_h"><IconStyle><scale>1.2</scale><Icon><href></href></Icon></IconStyle><LineStyle><color>99ffac59</color><width>8</width></LineStyle></Style><Folder>
<Style id="gv_waypoint"><BalloonStyle><text><![CDATA[<p align="left"><font size="+1"><b>$[name]</b></font></p> <p align="left">$[description]</p>]]></text></BalloonStyle><IconStyle><Icon><href></href></Icon><color>FFFFFFFF</color><colorMode>normal</colorMode><hotSpot x="0.5" xunits="fraction" y="0.5" yunits="fraction"/></IconStyle><LabelStyle><color>FFFFFFFF</color></LabelStyle></Style><open>1</open>
Does this contains odd syntax and prevents OruxMaps from loading this file?
xml parsing is a hard work, that work is done mostly by android libraries. but I will try to improve it.
Please, send me the kml file, to see where is the problem. 900kb should not be a problem-->
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
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