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Automatic Emergency - RESCUE Functions

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Automatic Emergency - RESCUE Functions Empty Automatic Emergency - RESCUE Functions

Post  neobios Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:33 pm

Hello Orux!

I often run alone with my bike in very isolated areas.

I feel very useful if you create a function at specific intervals set by the user should send an email to a specified address (or more) and/or SMS (VERY essential for areas where there is no internet coverage).
I think it is very useful and I see that is a feature most often requested by other users and I think it is also very useful in case of rescue, if it is sent automatically.

A little suggestion: in order to have better information in human rescue, might be interesting to send the last 2 gps positions and related times, detected at a certain range of time or space (maybe every xxx minutes or xxx km), in order to define more accurately the direction and the speed limit for the intervention area to search for possible missing in zone without the phone signal.

many thanks!


Cantidad de envíos : 31
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-05

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Automatic Emergency - RESCUE Functions Empty Re: Automatic Emergency - RESCUE Functions

Post  orux Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:30 pm

neobios wrote:Hello Orux!

I often run alone with my bike in very isolated areas.

I feel very useful if you create a function at specific intervals set by the user should send an email to a specified address (or more) and/or SMS (VERY essential for areas where there is no internet coverage).
I think it is very useful and I see that is a feature most often requested by other users and I think it is also very useful in case of rescue, if it is sent automatically.

A little suggestion: in order to have better information in human rescue, might be interesting to send the last 2 gps positions and related times, detected at a certain range of time or space (maybe every xxx minutes or xxx km), in order to define more accurately the direction and the speed limit for the intervention area to search for possible missing in zone without the phone signal.

many thanks!

Hi, neobios,

You can use live tracking to mapmytracks. Your position is sent each 2 minutes to the server (no much overload), and you can make the track public and share your position with everybody.

It is the best way to give your position and course to anyone wanting to be aware of your position.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Automatic Emergency - RESCUE Functions Empty Re: Automatic Emergency - RESCUE Functions

Post  chrisrambeau Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:28 pm

Using MapMyTrack or equivalent is not appropriate to the problem of emergency alert ...
The software 'Angexis Outdoor' responds very well to this problematic, but it would be interesting to have the same function in include OruxMap.
It would not start one software and use sinplifier to consumption and reduce power.


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-04-10

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