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Capping of erronous HR values

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Capping of erronous HR values Empty Capping of erronous HR values

Post  cyberdude Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:15 am

Sometimes when cycling down long fast down hills or cycling into a cold headwind my HRM starts to give incorrect values due to the strap drying on my skin. The HR values suddenly jump to max of 225-240bpm. It would be nice if oruxmaps could 'cap' or filter these incorrect values and just insert the last known 'good' value until the HRM values return back to normal. It should be easy to identify the incorrect reading as they jump in large increments, e.g. from 160bpm to 225bpm in one step which would be impossible. When the skin starts to sweat again the HR values will suddenly drop from 225bpm to 140bpm for example so at this point oruxmaps can start using the actual data again.

It's probably not an easy feature to integrate but would be very useful and prevent the incorrect high readings from messing up the stats and masking the true max HR achieved.


Cantidad de envíos : 57
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-12-16

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