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Wrong elevation (barometer)

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Wrong elevation (barometer) Empty Wrong elevation (barometer)

Post  cacciatorino Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:33 pm

This is my first post in this community, so, first of all, a big hallo to all members!

I'm Alessandro, from Italy, and I use Oruxmpas for cycling, mainly.

Last week a bought a second-hand Xperia Active, and today I ran the first ride with it. All works fine, but for the elevation: according to statistics, elvation gain is zero, and elevation loss is zero too, while the max height reached is 2147483647 meters.

The barometer calibration seems to be successful: actually the track is registered, but the values of elevation are meaningless.

Oruxmaps 5.2.4
Android 4.1
Sony Xperia Active

P.S. Is it possible to attach a file? I would like to send the tracklog of the track of today. for the moment, I put it here:



Cantidad de envíos : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-04-30

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