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Orux Process stopped

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Orux Process stopped Empty Orux Process stopped

Post  Pedro Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:51 pm

Today I drove to a hike, I wanted to do. During the drive there, I had OruxMaps on TrackLog running, and the first change from one map to the other went without problem. As it should change back shortly, I tapped the screen to see, if the Mapname switches as fast as the map. When the map was about to change, OruxMaps crashed, I got an Android Message that the Orux Process has stopped and I should restart it. When I quit the errormessage, I was at the start screen of OruxMaps.

Driving home the same thing, changing from one Map to the other crashed the system.

And the good news: Made and logged a three hours walk without any problem, and the best of it, battery was still more than half full (looked like 3/4, but I'm a bit sceptic about it.

I send you the two maps otrk2 files, maybe you see something (gap, size, ???) ...


Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-24

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