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batch conversion of .kap files

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batch conversion of .kap files Empty batch conversion of .kap files

Post  jos Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:22 am

Will there be (or is there but do I overlook) a way to batch-convert bitmap-files that are calibrated in *.kap format?
As I have a huge collection, I did work out a way to batch-extract the bitmap to *.PNG ( by dir *.kap > kapfiles.txt and then some manipulating in an Open Office spreadsheet to end with a file that I exported as ms-dos batchfile) to find out I still had to calibrate them one-by-one. Sad


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batch conversion of .kap files Empty Re: batch conversion of .kap files

Post  orux Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:34 am

jos wrote:Will there be (or is there but do I overlook) a way to batch-convert bitmap-files that are calibrated in *.kap format?
As I have a huge collection, I did work out a way to batch-extract the bitmap to *.PNG ( by dir *.kap > kapfiles.txt and then some manipulating in an Open Office spreadsheet to end with a file that I exported as ms-dos batchfile) to find out I still had to calibrate them one-by-one. Sad

Hi, jos;

still not; but I will work with this option,


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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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