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Can not convert Mercator projection chart

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Can not convert Mercator projection chart Empty Can not convert Mercator projection chart

Post  CapnBry Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:41 pm

I am trying to convert NOAA kap file for use with OruxMaps. I've exported a PNG from the KAP using the information from the manual, but when I press the "Create Map" button I get a popup warning dialog: "An error occurred while generating calibration file!". This happens unless I change the projection from Mercator to something else. However, if I do that the generated maps obviously don't line up properly.
Can not convert Mercator projection chart Capturecv

Am I doing something wrong?


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Can not convert Mercator projection chart Empty Re: Can not convert Mercator projection chart

Post  orux Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:41 pm

CapnBry wrote:I am trying to convert NOAA kap file for use with OruxMaps. I've exported a PNG from the KAP using the information from the manual, but when I press the "Create Map" button I get a popup warning dialog: "An error occurred while generating calibration file!". This happens unless I change the projection from Mercator to something else. However, if I do that the generated maps obviously don't line up properly.

Am I doing something wrong?


There was a bug in last OruxMapsDesktop version + kap files;

test this version --> http://www.oruxmaps.com/OruxMapsDesktop1.5.2.zip


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Can not convert Mercator projection chart Empty Re: Can not convert Mercator projection chart

Post  CapnBry Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:21 pm

Nice! They now export just fine, however when testing out them out, ever point I checked worked fine, but when I cross the 28th parallel, the numbers get all crazy. At 100% zoom the Latitude goes:

As you can see once it passed 28degreesN, I gain almost a whole degree in what should be ~25 seconds. Wait. Actually, looking at the numbers, it looks like they should go

Could this just be a display bug in Orux? I have 2.8.2 from the market.


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Can not convert Mercator projection chart Empty Re: Can not convert Mercator projection chart

Post  CapnBry Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:02 pm

Yeah it looks like there is a display bug. If I check the top corner of this map it should be 28.033N and it is displayed in Orux v2.8.2 as 28.3305N.

So it looks like the Latitude will be wrong between 28.0N and 28.1N. Switching the units to "minutes", the correct value is shown at this position. However, if I scroll down to close to 28.0N again, once I go below 28 0.100'N, it suddenly jumps to 28 0.54'N. This value should read 28 0.054'N. Switching the units to "seconds" appears to display lat/long properly although it is hard to tell because the map scale makes it hard to determine a 0.1 second difference.

Possibly all fractional values of < 0.1 in degrees, minutes, or seconds do not display properly in Orux itself.


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Can not convert Mercator projection chart Empty Re: Can not convert Mercator projection chart

Post  orux Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:22 pm

CapnBry wrote:Yeah it looks like there is a display bug. If I check the top corner of this map it should be 28.033N and it is displayed in Orux v2.8.2 as 28.3305N.

So it looks like the Latitude will be wrong between 28.0N and 28.1N. Switching the units to "minutes", the correct value is shown at this position. However, if I scroll down to close to 28.0N again, once I go below 28 0.100'N, it suddenly jumps to 28 0.54'N. This value should read 28 0.054'N. Switching the units to "seconds" appears to display lat/long properly although it is hard to tell because the map scale makes it hard to determine a 0.1 second difference.

Possibly all fractional values of < 0.1 in degrees, minutes, or seconds do not display properly in Orux itself.


yes, it is a bug!

tomorrow I will release a new version, because it is an important bug.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Can not convert Mercator projection chart Empty Re: Can not convert Mercator projection chart

Post  CapnBry Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:10 pm

Awesome! The display bug is not a big deal to me, because the GPS marker is right, but thanks for fixing it. Especially thanks for providing such a complete application for free. I've sent you a small donation. It isn't much, but I do appreciate your work.


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Can not convert Mercator projection chart Empty Re: Can not convert Mercator projection chart

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