Garmin Enhancements
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Garmin Enhancements
I have a map that I made for Garmin that I would like to use with OruxMaps. The map works well with Orux and looks great except for the labels. The map has a lot of detail and all of the labels are displaying. The Garmin maps have a TYP file to define visual behavior. Everything from the file seems to be working except labels.
Label enhancement list
1 Road labels should align with the road. They're currently being displayed horizontally without respect for the road angle. As a user, it's difficult to determine which road that the label is associated with.
2 Label background should be totally transparent or a higher opacity. The bright yellow background draws a lot of attention when it only needs to provide enough contrast to make the text readable. Another lightweight transparent option is to add a white outline around the text to make sure that the color of the text doesn't bleed into the background.
3 Labels are being displayed more frequently than they need to be. I think this is because I'm using an Android tablet with a 10" screen. Can you detect the screen size and display fewer labels on large screens? If not make it a user setting?
4 Labels that are configured in the TYP with FontStyle=Nolabel are being displayed when they shouldn't. I use this for Topo lines and the number of labels are overwhelming. My map has a lot of content, especially at the lowest level for searching. I suppress the label and use a high-res graphic to indicate the message or they can use #5.
5 Ability to touch a POI, road or polygon to read the labels. You might get multiples for the background, road or poi. Add the labels to your current popup menu.
6 Display the name of the road if you're on it.
7 The label for the background object that defines the map size is displayed. This isn't a user layer.
8 Some labels like cities or the "label" object used for regions should be displayed in a larger font than standard labels.
9 Highway shields are displayed with a baby blue background. There are specific shapes for the 3 types but white would be a more appropriate easy fix.
Other enhancements
Ability to search roads or POIs using the index in the image file.
Objects that I have defined at the lowest level show up sooner than I'd like. Could be in part the screen size but in general the last layer is for zooming in really close to get it all. I tried "Minus one detail level" and it didn't change the zoom behavior for it. I also don't want to affect other levels, just the last one.
Other than the labels the map looks great. It renders graphics better than BaseCamp or their receivers. Gradients look awesome.
Thank you for your help.
Label enhancement list
1 Road labels should align with the road. They're currently being displayed horizontally without respect for the road angle. As a user, it's difficult to determine which road that the label is associated with.
2 Label background should be totally transparent or a higher opacity. The bright yellow background draws a lot of attention when it only needs to provide enough contrast to make the text readable. Another lightweight transparent option is to add a white outline around the text to make sure that the color of the text doesn't bleed into the background.
3 Labels are being displayed more frequently than they need to be. I think this is because I'm using an Android tablet with a 10" screen. Can you detect the screen size and display fewer labels on large screens? If not make it a user setting?
4 Labels that are configured in the TYP with FontStyle=Nolabel are being displayed when they shouldn't. I use this for Topo lines and the number of labels are overwhelming. My map has a lot of content, especially at the lowest level for searching. I suppress the label and use a high-res graphic to indicate the message or they can use #5.
5 Ability to touch a POI, road or polygon to read the labels. You might get multiples for the background, road or poi. Add the labels to your current popup menu.
6 Display the name of the road if you're on it.
7 The label for the background object that defines the map size is displayed. This isn't a user layer.
8 Some labels like cities or the "label" object used for regions should be displayed in a larger font than standard labels.
9 Highway shields are displayed with a baby blue background. There are specific shapes for the 3 types but white would be a more appropriate easy fix.
Other enhancements
Ability to search roads or POIs using the index in the image file.
Objects that I have defined at the lowest level show up sooner than I'd like. Could be in part the screen size but in general the last layer is for zooming in really close to get it all. I tried "Minus one detail level" and it didn't change the zoom behavior for it. I also don't want to affect other levels, just the last one.
Other than the labels the map looks great. It renders graphics better than BaseCamp or their receivers. Gradients look awesome.
Thank you for your help.
93ToyTruck- Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-06-24
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