TC-5 in v.5.5.3beta3
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TC-5 in v.5.5.3beta3
Hi Orux,
Thanks for the new TC-5 screen. It's a great contribution to Waypoint Nav.
Some suggestions for improvement -
Thanks again for your great software!
Thanks for the new TC-5 screen. It's a great contribution to Waypoint Nav.
Some suggestions for improvement -
- ETE is used very rarely and ETA would be the default. When the TC-5 screen is opened it always defaults to ETE. The ETE/ETA selection would be good if it could 'stick' between uses to the last selection
- The same issue presents for LEG/TOT. If the selection sticks between uses, that would be a useful improvement.
- The ability to change the active waypoint from the TC-5 screen would be handy. A touch of the desired line to change it to the red highlight would be a useful option.
- If the TC-5 screen is left open it reverts to the Android lock screen after a short duration. The 'Screen always On' function doesn't appear to be working. A preferred generic behaviour throughout all of OruxMaps is to inhibit the screen dim/screen lock.
Thanks again for your great software!
Icarus- Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03
Re: TC-5 in v.5.5.3beta3
Icarus wrote:Hi Orux,
Thanks for the new TC-5 screen. It's a great contribution to Waypoint Nav.
Some suggestions for improvement -
- ETE is used very rarely and ETA would be the default. When the TC-5 screen is opened it always defaults to ETE. The ETE/ETA selection would be good if it could 'stick' between uses to the last selection
- The same issue presents for LEG/TOT. If the selection sticks between uses, that would be a useful improvement.
- The ability to change the active waypoint from the TC-5 screen would be handy. A touch of the desired line to change it to the red highlight would be a useful option.
- If the TC-5 screen is left open it reverts to the Android lock screen after a short duration. The 'Screen always On' function doesn't appear to be working. A preferred generic behaviour throughout all of OruxMaps is to inhibit the screen dim/screen lock.
Thanks again for your great software!
Hi, thanks;
try with next beta-->
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
Re: TC-5 in v.5.5.3beta3
Thanks Orux. Great job.
A few issues -
1. The option to 'See on the map'. Is this meant to jump you to the given waypoint? It isn't doing anything when I select it (Galaxy S2).
2. The red highlight for the active waypoint has poor contrast with the white letters and is difficult to read. Perhaps a red rectangle to highlight the active waypoint?
3. The columns LEG/TOT and ETA/ETE are very close and the data between the two columns nearly merges. The TRK column has a larger 'buffer' between columns and is easier to differentiate.
4. A font size a couple of points larger or bolded would help.
A few issues -
1. The option to 'See on the map'. Is this meant to jump you to the given waypoint? It isn't doing anything when I select it (Galaxy S2).
2. The red highlight for the active waypoint has poor contrast with the white letters and is difficult to read. Perhaps a red rectangle to highlight the active waypoint?
3. The columns LEG/TOT and ETA/ETE are very close and the data between the two columns nearly merges. The TRK column has a larger 'buffer' between columns and is easier to differentiate.
4. A font size a couple of points larger or bolded would help.
Icarus- Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03
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