Track was saved successfully but there's no way to find it
2 posters
Track was saved successfully but there's no way to find it
My friend and I went on a 100 km long bike trip last week, since I didn't charge my phone, he recorded the track for the first time (using the latest version of Orux Maps).
When the trip was over, he succesfully saved the track, but he forgot to enable the auto converter (KML and GPX) in the options.
In the "Management" menu ("Gestisci" for the italian version) we see no tracks, and all we have is a 12kb oruxmapstracks.db, can we do something to recover that track, or the database is empty / corrupted?
When the trip was over, he succesfully saved the track, but he forgot to enable the auto converter (KML and GPX) in the options.
In the "Management" menu ("Gestisci" for the italian version) we see no tracks, and all we have is a 12kb oruxmapstracks.db, can we do something to recover that track, or the database is empty / corrupted?
mostro- Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-08-23
Re: Track was saved successfully but there's no way to find it
mostro wrote:My friend and I went on a 100 km long bike trip last week, since I didn't charge my phone, he recorded the track for the first time (using the latest version of Orux Maps).
When the trip was over, he succesfully saved the track, but he forgot to enable the auto converter (KML and GPX) in the options.
In the "Management" menu ("Gestisci" for the italian version) we see no tracks, and all we have is a 12kb oruxmapstracks.db, can we do something to recover that track, or the database is empty / corrupted?
the dabatase seems to be empty. send it to me -->
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
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