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Post  Klaus Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:41 pm

Hi there,

Thank you very much for that great app! As a runner i've looked for an app, that ist able to show me a gpx track which I can follow.

So far I found two other apps (Maverick and GPSies) which do the same: displaying a map *and* a track to follow. Both apps have their problems which should not be discussed here.

With your app most things work fine. But I would like to report one problem and one suggestion.
- The Problem: If I load a track an change the zoom level, than sometimes the track disaperes or the track line thickness changes.
- The suggestion: you offer a lot of connections to online maps. Some of them are not available in the area where i live (Germany). When I'm using OruxMaps for running in an unknown terrain, I would like to change between satellite view and OpenMap for example. It's difficult to pick these two choices from the long lists of maps you offer. So my suggestion is, to add a possibility to the main settings where I choose the maps I would like to see under the @maps settings.

Thanks again,


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