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Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map

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Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map Empty Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map

Post  rab Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:22 am


Not being able to display the next map when you approach the edge of the current one is a real pain (and maps have to be kept fairly small because basic 4 point calibration isn't suitable for large maps). I know you've said previously that you planned to implement this. It's been talked about for ages, lots of new things keep getting added but this key feature is still missing. It's the only thing I think oruxmaps is really missing, otherwise it's brilliant (and so I bought the donate version in support). Is there any progress on this feature?



Cantidad de envíos : 16
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-08-30

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Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map Empty Re: Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map

Post  orux Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:44 pm

rab wrote:Orux,

Not being able to display the next map when you approach the edge of the current one is a real pain (and maps have to be kept fairly small because basic 4 point calibration isn't suitable for large maps). I know you've said previously that you planned to implement this. It's been talked about for ages, lots of new things keep getting added but this key feature is still missing. It's the only thing I think oruxmaps is really missing, otherwise it's brilliant (and so I bought the donate version in support). Is there any progress on this feature?

Hi, Richard;

It is the most important, but also the most difficult to implement. The other features may be a matter of minutes, this can be weeks of work.

It would require many changes, and solve many difficult problems, although it seems a simple thing.

For now the intermediate solution is implemented: use maps with a slight overlap, and determining margins
a) in the map configuration file
b) for all maps in the application configuration.

The ultimate solution will take.



Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map Empty Re: Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map

Post  rab Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:33 pm

Thanks, I'm glad it it's still planned. I appreciate it's not a simple task.

Can you explain how the xmargin and ymargin options work. I've played with them before, but couldn't get them to work and I can't find them documented anywhere.

I've added a 512 pixel margin to all 4 sides of my map. I've increased the MapDimensions height and width by 1024 each. MapChunks xMax and yMax have been increased by 2 each. I've added xmargin=512 and ymargin=512 to MapBounds, and updated min/max Lat/Lon values to include the extra map area. I've updated the position of the calibration points to include the extra map area. This doesn't work (see below) so I assume it's not correct, so how do you use this parameter? Do you not increase the MapDimensions or something like that? If so should MapBounds and calibration points be relative to the full area or the original area?

The result: I've actually lost a strip off the bottom of north map rather than gained some. It does switch to the south map before I reach the edge, so that part sort of works (except that I've somehow lost some map). The southern map has gained a strip at the top but only chnages to the north map once it has reached the very edge.


Cantidad de envíos : 16
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-08-30

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Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map Empty Re: Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map

Post  rab Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:55 pm

Forget that, got it to work. Not sure what I'm doing differently tonight but it does seem to work as intended now.

And the the benefit of anyone else trying this: what I said I did above is correct (presumably I didn't actually do that though as it wasn't working last night). All the numbers need increasing, basically just create a larger map. Then the xmarin and ymargin indicate a line inside your map which when crossed triggers a map change (rather than at the real map edge as would normally be the case. You end up with a border around the map that you can see but can't actually scroll too (when you try you get the next map instead). You also get a flash of purple as a whole new map is drawn and my map sizes have grown by 23-55%, so not ideal but certainly better.



Cantidad de envíos : 16
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-08-30

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Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map Empty Re: Displaying multiple maps when reaching edge of current map

Post  orux Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:02 pm

rab wrote:Forget that, got it to work. Not sure what I'm doing differently tonight but it does seem to work as intended now.

And the the benefit of anyone else trying this: what I said I did above is correct (presumably I didn't actually do that though as it wasn't working last night). All the numbers need increasing, basically just create a larger map. Then the xmarin and ymargin indicate a line inside your map which when crossed triggers a map change (rather than at the real map edge as would normally be the case. You end up with a border around the map that you can see but can't actually scroll too (when you try you get the next map instead). You also get a flash of purple as a whole new map is drawn and my map sizes have grown by 23-55%, so not ideal but certainly better.

Hi, Richard;

Remember that you need to refresh the map list (round button, top-right, map selector view) is you make changes to the calibration files.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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