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Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps

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Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps Empty Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps

Post  Alastair Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:27 am

I recently completed a 15 day bike ride using Oruxmaps as my main navigation tool (phone mounted on handlebars) - fantastic software!

During the ride, in order to keep the battery running all day I made some changes like increasing the distance and time between gps logs. This made the logging a bit less accurate but improved battery life considerably.

However, at various times when coming into a town the GPS would be too slow to update (not accurante enough to navigate) so I would have to go into Settings/Application, scroll down to GPS Settings and change the values back, then repeat this later to preserve battery. (All this while trying to ride a bike without falling off!).

At other times I sometimes wanted the screen to stay on for complicated navigation sections and then later I would want it to disable that setting again.

The point I am trying to make here is that every time I wanted to make a set of changes I would have to go into the settings and change all the settings that I wanted for that activity or period of time. Then later, I would have to go back and change things back.

Also, with the new options for using a heart rate monitor, bluetooth GPS, etc, I am sure that people will be wanting to change various groups of settings according to what activity they are doing, etc. You might want heart rate monitoring switched on if you are running or cycling but not if you are out for a family walk. Similarly you might want to display speed and average speed and distance on the top bar for running/cycling but altitude and other things for mountaineering.

I would like to propose introducing the concept of user profiles so users can set up profiles for their own set of application settings or user settings. I would propose making these profiles configurable like you have done with the button bar. Then you could have a button on screen to change profile, or access them from the menu under Tweaks, or even directly from the menu.

To set up the profiles you could maybe go into Settings, then have a list of profiles on the next screen. You would then select (for example) Walking profile or Cycling profile and then go to the page which lists User Interface, Units, Application, etc. Then you would configure this profile in the same way that you currently configure the whole program.

What do you think? This may be far too complicated to program or might not appeal to you but it's just some ideas that I like!




Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-05-13

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Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps Empty Re: Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps

Post  orux Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:09 pm

Alastair wrote:I recently completed a 15 day bike ride using Oruxmaps as my main navigation tool (phone mounted on handlebars) - fantastic software!

During the ride, in order to keep the battery running all day I made some changes like increasing the distance and time between gps logs. This made the logging a bit less accurate but improved battery life considerably.

However, at various times when coming into a town the GPS would be too slow to update (not accurante enough to navigate) so I would have to go into Settings/Application, scroll down to GPS Settings and change the values back, then repeat this later to preserve battery. (All this while trying to ride a bike without falling off!).

At other times I sometimes wanted the screen to stay on for complicated navigation sections and then later I would want it to disable that setting again.

The point I am trying to make here is that every time I wanted to make a set of changes I would have to go into the settings and change all the settings that I wanted for that activity or period of time. Then later, I would have to go back and change things back.

Also, with the new options for using a heart rate monitor, bluetooth GPS, etc, I am sure that people will be wanting to change various groups of settings according to what activity they are doing, etc. You might want heart rate monitoring switched on if you are running or cycling but not if you are out for a family walk. Similarly you might want to display speed and average speed and distance on the top bar for running/cycling but altitude and other things for mountaineering.

I would like to propose introducing the concept of user profiles so users can set up profiles for their own set of application settings or user settings. I would propose making these profiles configurable like you have done with the button bar. Then you could have a button on screen to change profile, or access them from the menu under Tweaks, or even directly from the menu.

To set up the profiles you could maybe go into Settings, then have a list of profiles on the next screen. You would then select (for example) Walking profile or Cycling profile and then go to the page which lists User Interface, Units, Application, etc. Then you would configure this profile in the same way that you currently configure the whole program.

What do you think? This may be far too complicated to program or might not appeal to you but it's just some ideas that I like!



Hi, Alastair;

I am thinking in using this feature in next versions.

Not difficult, but I have a lot of other things in my mind too Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps Empty Re: Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps

Post  Alastair Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:54 pm

Thanks, quite understand. You must have been so busy recently.


Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-05-13

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Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps Empty Re: Suggestion: introduce profiles into Oruxmaps

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