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Logging does not resume when phone is put into suspend

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Logging does not resume when phone is put into suspend Empty Logging does not resume when phone is put into suspend

Post  Dioko Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:01 am

OruxMaps v3.2.6, Android 2.2, Motorola Droid:
Track logging works fine while the phone is in suspend mode (quick press of the power button). If, with the phone on, the screen is scrolled, track logging stops for a few seconds. If the phone is then put into suspend mode, logging does NOT resume until the phone is turned back on again. Thus, if you scroll the screen, you need to be sure the track logging has resumed before you suspend the phone, or else you will not log some of your track.

Seems it would be good, if possible, to resume the track when the phone is place into suspend mode.

Otherwise, GREAT PROGRAM! It just keeps getting better!


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Logging does not resume when phone is put into suspend Empty Re: Logging does not resume when phone is put into suspend

Post  orux Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:10 pm

Dioko wrote:OruxMaps v3.2.6, Android 2.2, Motorola Droid:
Track logging works fine while the phone is in suspend mode (quick press of the power button). If, with the phone on, the screen is scrolled, track logging stops for a few seconds. If the phone is then put into suspend mode, logging does NOT resume until the phone is turned back on again. Thus, if you scroll the screen, you need to be sure the track logging has resumed before you suspend the phone, or else you will not log some of your track.

Seems it would be good, if possible, to resume the track when the phone is place into suspend mode.

Otherwise, GREAT PROGRAM! It just keeps getting better!

Hi, Dioko;

OruxMaps is working fine (logging) if you suspend the phone when you scroll the map. Please, try again.

There are some problems with Droid--> https://oruxmaps.forumotion.com/improvements-f11/fix-for-gps-on-droid-x-t513.htm?highlight=droid


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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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