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use tif images problem

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use tif images problem Empty use tif images problem

Post  AllenWus Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:11 am

I get an error when trying to use a tif image. "An error occurred while reading calibration file: Image not found". I have installed the JAI files. I am using WinXP SP3, for java JRE6 and JDK 1.16_20. Installed both the jre JAI and the jdk JAI. All the files are needed are there. I updated my path and classpath per the java site. I'm trying to make a map out of the newly released FAA VFR Raster files.

path: .;c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin
classpath: .;c\program files\oruxmaps

Any ideas why I keep getting the error for image not found? I've tried it with 3 different sets of FAA raster files.


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use tif images problem Empty Same problem

Post  Dookert Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:12 am

I am having the same problem,

I followed the pdf instruction document to the letter and am Having the same error. This really would be a nice feature to use, but as with everything in technology, nothing is ever simple or just works. Any help would be appreciated


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use tif images problem Empty Still nothing

Post  Dookert Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:35 pm

So no one knows how to fix this problem? It seems like it should work. nobody can help?


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use tif images problem Empty Re: use tif images problem

Post  orux Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:51 pm

Dookert wrote:So no one knows how to fix this problem? It seems like it should work. nobody can help?


Perhaps you are using Windows 64 bits?

does this path exists?: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin

try with it.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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use tif images problem Empty Found the problem

Post  Dookert Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:55 am

Not sure why this was causing it but apparently it is the tiff file. I converted the rastererized FAA sectionals to .PNG using paint and that fixed the problem. Just opened it in paint, saved as ".png", and then the error stopped. Might be good to add this to the pdf helper about using faa sectionals. This really is a great feature to have when up at altitude with no cell coverage. I'm going to donate because of this programs versatility!

Only thing that I wish I could do was utilize the Low Altitude IFR enroute charts. The lambert data is provided for those charts but For some reason, the FAA has decided to make them pdf files instead of tiff/png and converting them to a png etc so far has not worked. Any ideas on a way to convert the pdf files to something mapsdesktop could read?


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use tif images problem Empty also to note

Post  Dookert Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:57 am

also wanted to note. I tried this on a windows xp machine too. no dice, same error message was generated.


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use tif images problem Empty Re: use tif images problem

Post  orux Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:08 pm

Dookert wrote:also wanted to note. I tried this on a windows xp machine too. no dice, same error message was generated.


Please, try with this small map, and last OruxMapsDesktop version-->http://www.oruxmaps.com/test.zip

(use UTM projection, zone 29; wgs84 projection)

If it can be converted, then it is a problem with jai libraries.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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use tif images problem Empty Resolvi con la conversión a PNG tambien

Post  flybd5 Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:50 am

Yo también resolvi con la conversion de TIF a PNG y ahora funciona bien la conversion de mapas.


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use tif images problem Empty Re: use tif images problem

Post  Icarus Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:14 am

Confirmed - I had the same error with TIFF files until I installed the JAI I/O Tools at -


The one to install for Windows is -

[BIN] jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe 13-Oct-2006 16:27 6M

When installing, ensure you select the 'Custom' option and check all the 4 boxes (only 2 are checked by default).


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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