Position in Swiss Grid coordinates CH 1903 in OruxMaps
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Position in Swiss Grid coordinates CH 1903 in OruxMaps
Hi all
How can I see the position coordinates in the format of Swiss Grid CH 1903 in OruxMaps?
There is no possibility to choose this coordinate format in Konfiguration/Einheiten/Koordinaten. The Swiss Grid CH 1903 format is very common in Switzerland. Everybody and all Navigation system work with that format in Switzerland. It would be great if one could configure that also in the excellent OruxMaps and use it together with the Mapplus Topo (CH) map.
Here a map where you can see the coordinates in Swiss Grid format
Some more information:
Swiss Grid explanation in Wikipedia
Bern y=600000, x=200000 (Sidlerstr. 5, 3012 Bern, Universität Bern, exakte Wissenschaften. WGS84: 46.9510827861504654, 7.4386324175389165)
Best regards
How can I see the position coordinates in the format of Swiss Grid CH 1903 in OruxMaps?
There is no possibility to choose this coordinate format in Konfiguration/Einheiten/Koordinaten. The Swiss Grid CH 1903 format is very common in Switzerland. Everybody and all Navigation system work with that format in Switzerland. It would be great if one could configure that also in the excellent OruxMaps and use it together with the Mapplus Topo (CH) map.
Here a map where you can see the coordinates in Swiss Grid format
Some more information:
Swiss Grid explanation in Wikipedia
Bern y=600000, x=200000 (Sidlerstr. 5, 3012 Bern, Universität Bern, exakte Wissenschaften. WGS84: 46.9510827861504654, 7.4386324175389165)
Best regards
Andres- Guest
Swiss Grid CH 1903 coordinate?
First, many many thanks for your great wonderful work.
"Master Orux" - thank you for your excellent gps map and tracking program.
I think oruxmap, it's the best map program, i know for android.
I have the same problem like Andres.
I have generate some maps with Map+ (Switzerland) source on Mobile Atlas Creator.
This maps are in Oruxmap displayed well, but without the Swiss Grid CH 1903 coordinate for Switzerland.
In Switzerland all and everybody work with this Swiss grid CH 1903 coordinate.
Can you help me and change this wrong coordinate grid?
Thanks for your help.
Excuse me, my english isn't perfect.
It was my first posting here.
cu GPS
First, many many thanks for your great wonderful work.
"Master Orux" - thank you for your excellent gps map and tracking program.
I think oruxmap, it's the best map program, i know for android.
I have the same problem like Andres.
I have generate some maps with Map+ (Switzerland) source on Mobile Atlas Creator.
This maps are in Oruxmap displayed well, but without the Swiss Grid CH 1903 coordinate for Switzerland.
In Switzerland all and everybody work with this Swiss grid CH 1903 coordinate.
Can you help me and change this wrong coordinate grid?
Thanks for your help.
Excuse me, my english isn't perfect.
It was my first posting here.
cu GPS
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