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Swiss Grid & better Design

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Swiss Grid & better Design Empty Swiss Grid & better Design

Post  henry Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:49 pm

Hi Jose

thanks a lot for your excellent work! Its fantastic to have a GPS with detailed maps from all over the world!
It would be great if you could include maps directly from swisstopo which is better card material than map+. Also I miss the correct swiss grid coordinates.

Im just testing your beta version and the possibility to skip the homescreen is great, since i dont like the design of the application. Some icons are difficult to understand such as the disk icon for example. A bit more style like "Maverick" or "Viewfinder" would be great.



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Swiss Grid & better Design Empty Design

Post  henry Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:53 pm

"Viewranger" i wanted to say...


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