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tracking option

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tracking option Empty tracking option

Post  asperge Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:34 pm

In the 'open a map here' screen, would it be more logical to set the tracking option to on by default? Or perhaps i didn't see the reason behind.
Also, the 'Auto load maps' option is net to never by default. As i understand the 'Auto load maps' option allows in offline mode to load automatically maps when we move to a location not covered by the current map. In offline mode, wouldn't it be more useful to set it to always?
Is this option used also with google maps online? But in this case i don't see how it's working in this mode.


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tracking option Empty Re: tracking option

Post  orux Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:22 pm

asperge wrote:In the 'open a map here' screen, would it be more logical to set the tracking option to on by default? Or perhaps i didn't see the reason behind.

You are right;

asperge wrote:Also, the 'Auto load maps' option is net to never by default. As i understand the 'Auto load maps' option allows in offline mode to load automatically maps when we move to a location not covered by the current map. In offline mode, wouldn't it be more useful to set it to always?
Is this option used also with google maps online? But in this case i don't see how it's working in this mode.

If you change this option in settings (not in menu) OruxMaps will remember your choice next time.
I am going to set "ON" by default. "ALWAYS" is not recommended because this mode consumes more power. Use it when your android is plugged (into your car, for example), or when you have overlapped maps with different scale.

Google maps does not uses this option.


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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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