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Photo Waypoint

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Photo Waypoint Empty Photo Waypoint

Post  Alastair Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:36 pm

After my previous post and others about not being able to quickly add to a waypoint I now see that there is a method where a long press on the Add Waypoint button brings up the camera.

Unfortunately however, there appear to be a couple of bugs here:

  • A photo taken using this method seems to be limited to 640x416 or 640x480, depending on whether I choose wdiescreen or not. No other resolutions are offered in the camera settings
  • After taking a photo, at the bottom of the camera screen two buttons appear; one marked "Done" and the other shows a picture of a camera. If I click the camera picture I can take a new photo but only one picture is attached to the waypoint. I would expect from the buttons to be able to add multiple photos but maybe I have just misunderstood here.



Cantidad de envíos : 34
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-05-13

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Photo Waypoint Empty Re: Photo Waypoint

Post  orux Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:28 pm

Alastair wrote:After my previous post and others about not being able to quickly add to a waypoint I now see that there is a method where a long press on the Add Waypoint button brings up the camera.

Unfortunately however, there appear to be a couple of bugs here:

  • A photo taken using this method seems to be limited to 640x416 or 640x480, depending on whether I choose wdiescreen or not. No other resolutions are offered in the camera settings
  • After taking a photo, at the bottom of the camera screen two buttons appear; one marked "Done" and the other shows a picture of a camera. If I click the camera picture I can take a new photo but only one picture is attached to the waypoint. I would expect from the buttons to be able to add multiple photos but maybe I have just misunderstood here.



About resolution; OruxMaps can not control that. With android 2.3.3 it is possible to change resolution.

About more than one picture; OruxMaps receives only information about one picture from the camera.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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