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Elementary question: Which corner of the image is (0,0) ?

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Elementary question: Which corner of the image is (0,0) ? Empty Elementary question: Which corner of the image is (0,0) ?

Post  Mike Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:14 pm

Hi guys,

So which one is 0,0: Top left or bottom left corner ? In Paintbrush - a very useful GP software, by the way Very Happy - it's top left.
But i have a hunch that OruxDesktop uses the normal bottom left (as in xOy charts).




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Elementary question: Which corner of the image is (0,0) ? Empty Re: Elementary question: Which corner of the image is (0,0) ?

Post  orux Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:56 pm

Mike wrote:Hi guys,

So which one is 0,0: Top left or bottom left corner ? In Paintbrush - a very useful GP software, by the way Very Happy - it's top left.
But i have a hunch that OruxDesktop uses the normal bottom left (as in xOy charts).



Hi, Mike;

OruxMaps uses the normal image coordinates; the same since the first PC,s Smile
(0,0) is top-left corner.



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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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