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Question about EveryTrail export

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Question about EveryTrail export Empty Question about EveryTrail export

Post  dodfr Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:40 pm


As the waypoint in 3.5 permit to add many data (hpto, sound,text...). WHich are comptible with EveryTrail export ?

Also suppose I am hiking for 15 days and I want to upload part of hike day by day, will it re-upload whole path and photos/comments or will it only "sync" from last upload ?



Cantidad de envíos : 30
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-02

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Question about EveryTrail export Empty Re: Question about EveryTrail export

Post  orux Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:54 pm

dodfr wrote:Hello,

As the waypoint in 3.5 permit to add many data (hpto, sound,text...). WHich are comptible with EveryTrail export ?

Also suppose I am hiking for 15 days and I want to upload part of hike day by day, will it re-upload whole path and photos/comments or will it only "sync" from last upload ?



With everytrail you only can upload images.

There is no posible to sync tracks with Everytrail, the entire track should be uploaded (or nothing, I am not sure, but I think everytrail checks if the track exists).

With a 15 days track, I think you should create a track per day.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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