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Compass confusion

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Compass confusion Empty Compass confusion

Post  twoten Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:04 am


can someone explain the Radar compass to me Embarassed ?

First of all the only indicator showing direction is the blue arrow (I think), with the phone flat it appears to point south for the majority of the time.

Am I supposed to lift the phone so the horizon comes into view, as this seems to turn the compass indicator to the north?

When should I set the role /pitch values?

When using a compass in the past it has worked in the same way as the compass in the GPS Status program.

Any explanation to help me understand this would be appreciated.


Cantidad de envíos : 115
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-10-04

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Compass confusion Empty Re: Compass confusion

Post  orux Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:15 pm

twoten wrote:Hi,

can someone explain the Radar compass to me Embarassed ?

First of all the only indicator showing direction is the blue arrow (I think), with the phone flat it appears to point south for the majority of the time.

Am I supposed to lift the phone so the horizon comes into view, as this seems to turn the compass indicator to the north?

When should I set the role /pitch values?

When using a compass in the past it has worked in the same way as the compass in the GPS Status program.

Any explanation to help me understand this would be appreciated.

There are two components (you can turn off one off them, menu)

--compass: blue arrow. It should point to the North, if not something is wrong Smile It uses the magnetic sensor, remember not to use near metallic objects (the computer,...)

--artificial horizon: measures two values; pitch (digital value between ground and air) and roll (black arrow).
the artificial horizon makes sense when the android is on a mount (bike, car):
1.-put your device on the mount; the car/bike on a flat site.
2.-open the radar view.
3.-tap on the radar, to put it to zero. At this time, will indicate pitch/roll of the vehicle.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Compass confusion Empty Re: Compass confusion

Post  twoten Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:16 pm

Thanks for the explanation Orux, it makes more sense now with the pitch and role. Now I understand how to use it now it could be useful after a stop for a drink, I'll be able to stay upright Smile .

The only problem is the compass does not point North even when away from metal objects, it also changes direction as you tilt the phone up and down.

If I switch over to the GPS Status App the compass works as it should.



Cantidad de envíos : 115
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-10-04

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